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4. Quantitative research (STATA)

Do real GDP per capita, and CO2 emissions from manufacturing industries and construction predict energy consumption per capita?

Data sources

The data from the World Bank’s World Development Index 2013 was utilized for this cross-sectional analysis. This study examines the relationship between impact of GDP on Energy consumption on a subset of 153 out of 231 cities and countries from seven regions. Cases with missing data are omitted in regression analysis, therefore, 78 regions and countries are excluded. It is noted that aggregated data and countries with no data available are omitted from the total 264 observations in the dataset. Nauru and Kosovo are the two countries without available data.




STATA script

use "./World development index\All_countries_WDIS_2013.dta", clear
drop if region=="Aggregates"
drop if region==""
g log_EnergyUse=log(eg_use_elec_kh_pc)
g log_RealGDP=log(ny_gdp_pcap_pp_kd)
sum eg_use_elec_kh_pc ny_gdp_pcap_pp_kd, detail
sum log_EnergyUse log_RealGDP en_co2_manf_zs, detail
encode region, g(regionnum) lab(regionlab)
regress log_EnergyUse log_RealGDP 
regress log_EnergyUse log_RealGDP en_co2_manf_zs  
by region, sort : regress log_EnergyUse log_RealGDP en_co2_manf_zs  
ssc install estout, replace
est clear 
eststo: quietly reg log_EnergyUse log_RealGDP
eststo: quietly reg log_EnergyUse log_RealGDP en_co2_manf_zs  
esttab, p scalars(F df_m df_r) r2 ar2

It is a research project (coursework) tutored by Crawford School PhD scholar Chi-hoong Leong in Research Methods for Environmental Management (EMDV8102) in 2017.

5. Quantitative research (SPSS)

Perceived Housing Correlates of Fertility Intention among Hong Kong people aged between 18 and 35

Theoretical Framework



Before data for this report were gathered from January to February 2016, a pilot test with 20 respondents was conducted in early November 2015. It helped to modify the questionnaire design and enhance reliability of data retrieved. The questionnaires were distributed to a total of 225 Hong Kong citizens aged between18 and 35 years old. The response rate was 80 % (198 questionnaires).

Data Processing and Analysis

After screening out suspect questionnaires with straight line answers, 172 questionnaires were counted as valid and used for data analysis. Valid questionnaires were firstly coded by a researcher, then double checked by another research. The data entry process was completed by a third research with SPSS 22.0. All predictors in regression models passed the Collinearity test (Variance inflation factor <10). As there were three outcome variables of fertility intention, separate analysis was employed. There were three sets of regression model completed.



It is an honour research project supervised by Dr. Bai Xue at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2015.

Spatial Analysis